Kooperation mit VBF

#1 von Kantholzwerfer , 17.01.2009 12:15

Hallo Leute, da leider immer noch nicht wirklich der alte Demo Status hergestellt wurde, aus dem einfachen Grund des Mangels an Spielern, habe ich nun einmal versucht diesbezüglich Kontakt zu VBF herzustellen. Hierzu schrieb ich Folgendes an Chris Bacardi:
Hi Chris, thanks for welcoming me back so heartly. However, I'd like to say that we should try to concentrate what is left of the former dfx-demo players in order to reanimate the action we were all used too. No offence bro but after a time the desire of killings bots is fading away. Therefore I'd like to propose that both Ger and VBF try playing together so that we don't have the feeling of dying from loneliness on one of our servers. I just want to say that we should attempt building up the old community again. And this works best with Pilot Mod since this is a mod where for no mod players at least some chance remains. In other words, we from GER don't support the idea of also having back the Bushman Mod in the Full. In addition, I still have some critic left and that is your link of the pilot mod on filefront. You know, it's just that Boss-GER invested a lot of work in adjusting the Pilot to the Full-DFX-Version and we also set value on our download rate for statistics reason. Furthermore our download speed is much faster than this of filefront. So I ask for your understanding to change that link into a hyperlink to our GER-download section. Thank you so far and don't take my critic personally, we just wanna do some improvement for the benefit of us all. Greetz to my bros and sis Kante


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Registriert am: 20.01.2008

RE: Kooperation mit VBF

#2 von GreeNPoweR(GER) , 17.01.2009 12:38

ja seh ich alles genauso aba du hättest dem das auch auf deutsch schreiben können das versteht der fließend^^


Master Gunnery Sergant

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RE: Kooperation mit VBF

#3 von Kantholzwerfer , 17.01.2009 12:53

ja aber der rest nicht


Beiträge: 101
Registriert am: 20.01.2008

RE: Kooperation mit VBF

#4 von Michael Meiers(GER) , 17.01.2009 13:07

Ja ist ja gut das er jetzt die PilotMod zum download anbietet aber doch nicht über filefront!

Michael Meiers(GER)

Beiträge: 2.617
Registriert am: 20.10.2007

RE: Kooperation mit VBF

#5 von Kantholzwerfer , 17.01.2009 16:38

Dear brother, it's so nice that you returned after 9 months of abcense and inmediatly start telling us what to do.

I would have appreciated it if we could discuss this matter on e-mail or private messages, however you choose to discuss about it here.

So Leute, wie es ausschaut können wir diesen thread gleich wieder schließen, denn die Reaktion von Chris war alles andere als erfreut. Den Rest lest ihr einfach am besten selbst:

First of all you always say: YOUR VBF website, and WE and US GER.
Do i get the wrong message here or do you feel more a GER member then a VBF member?
You tell me NOT to take it personally, but when demotime ended both Bully and I have put overtime in converting VBF to a DFX FULL Family. *VBF* excists of 25 of the funniest and best DFX players in the world. *VBF* has a superbe website and 2 of the best servers running different maps and mods. So yes, i take this personal.

Second: We all know what happened last time GER and VBF did a clanwar together vs BOV, i would hate to let that happen again. There are really nice guys in GER but i think GER is really a clan and much more compatative then the VBF family. VBF members play for fun, not to win.

3rd: A few VBF members were not able to download the pilotmod from GER website and they got a download error after a few seconds, this happened several times. So i uploaded the file to filefront and they were able to download and install it. I am very sorry to mess up your statitistics and will remove the link inmediatly.(maybe you could have asked me first why i uploaded it?


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Registriert am: 20.01.2008

RE: Kooperation mit VBF

#6 von Kantholzwerfer , 17.01.2009 16:40

Ja wenn ihr das gelesen habt, werdet ihr wohl auch denken. Uupps, da hat wohl einer was in den falschen Hals bekommen. Wie auch immer, ich glauben, dass wir diesen thread gleich wieder schließen können.


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Registriert am: 20.01.2008

RE: Kooperation mit VBF

#7 von Kantholzwerfer , 17.01.2009 16:40

sorry mein komentar ist wohl doppelt gemoppelt


Beiträge: 101
Registriert am: 20.01.2008

RE: Kooperation mit VBF

#8 von Michael Meiers(GER) , 17.01.2009 16:49

Ja der scheint nich grad happy darüber zu sein...
Warum sagen die nicht einfach wenn die nix runterladen können?
Dafür hab ich ein Kontaktforumlar auf der Seite und den Chat!
Die brauchen auch nicht damit anzufangen, das sie es nicht lesen können. Es ist alles auf English.

Michael Meiers(GER)

Beiträge: 2.617
Registriert am: 20.10.2007

RE: Kooperation mit VBF

#9 von Kantholzwerfer , 17.01.2009 17:10

Ja keine Ahnung warum der so abgeht. Ich glaube er denkt, dass ich seine Autorität womöglich untergraben zu versuche. Was jedoch keinesfalls meine Absicht war.
Naja ich habe ihm nun Folgendes geantwortet und wir werden ja sehen, ob das nun das Ende einer angestreben Kooperation war oder ob es vielleicht doch noch eine Möglichkeit gibt dieses Missverständnis aus der Welt zu schaffen:

Oh dear! This is what I would call an overreaction. However, I was certainly not determined to discredit you or any of your achievements for VBF. I just wanted to say that I got the impression that your servers or if you prefer our servers are just too sparsely visited and that we could therefore have kind of a cooperation, since we got similary issues at the moment. But if you want to have it as it is right now I say fine, don''t lets talk about it anymore. Yet I still believe that maybe not everybody shares your point of view and this was also the reason why I wanted to have the topic discussed in public instead of private. And maybe there are even people here who could still imagine of having a clan war with GER even though the Global War was a disaster. Final I''d like to appologize if I hurt your feelings, but it surly wasn''t my intention.

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Registriert am: 20.01.2008


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